Docker - what it is, what it's not

Tit Petrič, Monotek d.o.o.

Docker - what it is, what it's not

Tit Petrič, @TitPetric

Who am I?

Who am I? (cont.)


Study the past if you would define the future.

― Confucius

Not a virtual machine

Remember Chroot?

Not a virtual machine

cgroups (control groups, resource mgmt)

Not a virtual machine

namespaces (isolation)

Rob Pike


So what is it not?


So what is it not?

Let's get specific

Let's get specific

Resource usage: disk

Virtual Machine: ~10GB - 100GB (OS only, low data)
Docker Image: ~10MB - 100MB - 1GB (Image size, no data)

This is docker

Source: Explaining docker images using Lego, by Graham Dumpleton

This is a virtual machine

Source: Machine Made of Lego Builds Anything You Want — Out of Lego - Wired (MakerLegoBot)


Docker is the contract between Developers and Operations. Developers and Operations often have very different attitudes when it comes to choosing tools and environments.

― Anders Janmyr



Twitter: Tit Petrič, @TitPetric